Ways you can help


Join the
Fellowship of 1000
We are looking for 1,000 people to contribute $100 a year to underwrite Project AGAPE’s budget.
The money pays for maintenance of the AGAPE Center, salaries for staff, office and transportation expenses, and building supplies.
The $100 donation can be for as many years as you wish.

Humanitarian Aid
New and used adult and children’s clothing & new infant items, new and used coats, new shoes, bedding, school, hygiene, household supplies, kitchenware, and sewing supplies(cloth, thread, needles) are needed.  Box like items together and fill the boxes tightly. See http://www.wnccumc.org/project-agape for packing instructions, drop-off locations, and hours of operation.

Priority Items this year are 

  1. Kitchen supplies – pots, pans, plates, utensils, ETC.
  2. Bedding – sheets, blankets, pillows pillowcases, 
  3. Children’s clothing, new or clean, gently used
  4. Hygiene products
  5. New shoes
  6. Towels and wash cloths


Christmas Boxes can be dropped off at these sites. But all Christmas boxes must be packed in larger cardboard boxes so that they can be transported in the truck. Please do not leave individual Christmas boxes at the drop off sites. 

Maylo UMC, 1900 Spencer Mountain Road, Gastonia (near Ranlo), Contact – Amy King-704.824.3529. Monday-Thursday, 9:00 a.m.-12 p.m.

Pleasant Hill UMC – 1102 Warlick Dr., Lawndale, NC 28080, Contact: Deborah Mauney – 704-616-2888. Monday & Wednesday – 11 am -3 pm, Tuesday & Thursday – 4pm- 8 pm, Friday – 10 am – 1 pm, Saturday- 9 am- 2 pm (one exception – Friday, Sept. 30 – 10 am – 6 pm). Take donations to the handicap ramp at the Fellowship Hall door. 

Groce UMC, 954 Tunnel Road, Asheville, 828.298.7647. Monday-Thursday, 10 a.m.-2;00 p.m.

First UMC, Lenoir – 309 Church Street NW, Lenoir, 828.754.4922. Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. – 12 noon

Trinity UMC, 3819 Country Club Rd., Winston-Salem, NC, 27104 Donations will be accepted Weds., Thurs, and Fri., from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Drop off items at the rear of the church between the buildings. Volunteers will be on site.

Salem UMC, 1206 Salem Church Road,  Morganton, 828.433.6600, Tuesday and mFriday,11a.m.- 6 p.m. 

Hinshaw UMC, 4501 West Gate City Blvd, Greensboro, 336.299.6330 -Use the back covered entrance near the mailbox. Please contact Jim Waynick, 336.-549-4140 during the week of April 25 – 29 and September 26 -30 to arrange a time to bring donations.

Memorial UMC, 101 Randolph Street, Thomasville, 336.472.7718. Monday-Thursday 8 a.m-3 p.m. Drop off donated items under the covered walkway at the Agape/MRC donations’ sign.

First UMCChina Grove, 110 West Church Street (NC Hwy 152 West), 704.857.9713. Monday-Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.; Use the covered side entrance at the parking lot. Contact Person: Wanda Watts, 704.467.3235.

Providence UMC, 2810 Providence Road Charlotte, NC 28211. 704-366-2823. Monday-Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. & Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. For other times contact: Rev. Brandon Dirks at 502-523-8999 or 704-714-7378. *Take donations to the main office door and ring the doorbell for help. Someone will instruct you where to drop off your donated items.

Mission Response Center, 8973 Greenwood Rd. Terrell, NC. Donations can be dropped off at the MRC throughout the year. Call Ben Rogers, 910-366-7692, To confirm a date and time when to drop off donated items. 

Vocational Project
Funds are needed to help the displaced families become self-sufficient through vocational training in things such as cosmetology, manicure and hairdressing, which are in demand.  But the program has the potential to extend to other areas like carpentry and bakery, where someone with skills may face a lack of appropriate tools or would like additional training.

Christmas Boxes
This project sends Christmas Shoe Boxes to Armenia for distribution.  Last year over 8,662 shoe boxes were distributed to children, many of whom would not have received a Christmas present during the Holy Season, if not for our generosity.